Fashion blog The Trendy Dwarf, blog of note Minute by Minute, literature blog A Poet’s Circus, and photography blog Photo Book have merged to create the The Coffee Cup—a new way of blogging.
These four blogs have been linked under ONE to share with other bloggers a diversity of topics and interests. Just like a cup of coffee, we encourage you to enjoy the different blogging trends, and the flavor of good reading stirred in one cup.
The Trendy Dwarf offers bloggers the latest on fashion trends from a male teen’s perspective. The blog publishes street style photography, where daily-life fashionable people are caught in the street by the Dwarf’s lens. Furthermore, the blog offers clothing lines and fashion shows reviews.
Minute by Minute presents the daily experiences and insights of a young student at the University of Virginia. The blog emphasizes the appreciation of life—minute by minute. As Gandhi once said, "live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."
A Poet’s Circus features author Sophia’s original poetry and literature reviews. Just like a circus, this blog combines different literary styles, critiques, and unexpected ideas and trends. Literature lovers can also share and exchange literary reviews with Sophia, who is always willing to discuss books and poetry.
Photo Book presents photography taken by our own followers and blogger friends. Feel free to share your photography with us via e-mail.
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We appreciate that you have come to visit our main page. We hope to see you around often, as we continue to explore a new way of blogging.
...Interesting concept: best of lucks; make sure to enjoy the ride....
Interesting concept: best of luck; make sure to enjoy the ride...
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